Entertaining Your Furry Kids!

You may have figured out by now that The Dog rules this house – or at least she thinks so, and we don’t have the heart to tell her otherwise.

The best advice we received when adopting an energetic puppy was, “A tired dog is a good dog.”  Truer words have never been spoken.  We have been very fortunate to have just a few cases of chew toy mistaken identity (my new boots, my new hat, and the living room light/fan remote). However, The Boy and I would like to think we have one part good dog, and one part tired dog thanks to our efforts.

We go through about one small peanut butter jar a month filling up The Dog’s Kong (a/k/a Kongaleeza Rice), and we used to just recycle them.  The Boy had a brilliant idea to make them into toys for The Dog.  This actually occurred for the first time after The Dog’s first birthday party, when she gorged on doggie cupcakes and doggie ice cream (and doggie treats, and other dog’s treats, and anything that fell on the ground), and then went on a hunger strike for several days.  We could not get her to eat her regular food at all, and we refused to continue feeding her junk.  I’ll quit rambling and tell you already.  Sheesh.

Drill holes in the lid of the peanut butter container, throw in some of your dog’s regular food, and watch them bat it around like idiots trying to get the food to fall out.

Yep, it is that easy. The last picture is showing how I fish out the little chunks of plastic that end up in the jar.  They probably wouldn’t hurt a dog who inhaled a rib bone and lived to tell about it, but I’d rather not risk it.

The Dog picks this jar up and throws it across the room with her mouth. It is pretty hilarious, and fun for the whole family. The food also gets a light coating of peanut butter in the process, making the reward that much more tasty (and harder to get out!).  We use a 1/4″ wood boring drill bit and make three holes.  However, we buy the mini-chunks, so if your food morsels are larger you may need bigger holes to allow the food to fall out.  Also, every dog is different, but I would never leave mine unsupervised with this toy, because she will chew the lid right off and rip the plastic to shreds (and ingest it, which cannot be good for her intestines!).

I will try to get a video of our furry fat kid going nuts over this, and update this post.  She never seems to cooperate when the camera is on.  I hope your furry kid enjoys this as much as ours does!


Lovin the blog on the aptly named Blog Lovin

I have heard about this site, Bloglovin, but like most new things, I wasn’t sure I needed it until I joined.  I TOTALLY NEED IT!!  If you follow more than one blog, it is very convenient, because you end up with all of your favorite blogs in one place, and you get a “news feed” of every blog you follow that has a new post.  You can set it up to send you emails, either daily or every time a new post arrives, but I opted out of that feature entirely.

I was just saying last night, “You don’t know what you don’t know.”  So true!  Well now I know, and you can too.  Happy Hump Day!

<a href=”http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/3994654/?claim=j9vft4y2tay”>Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

iPhu&*ing Hate This iPhone’s Tiny iParts

Return of the iKlutz.  (OK, OK, iPromise no more of the “i” jokes!)

My poor little iPhizzle leapt from my loose sweater pocket and hit the tile floor of the bathroom.  iPhizzle: 0; Tile Floor: 1.



Yes, that is good old scotch tape holding the tiny shards in place.  She still works, but is very pathetic looking.  Related story:  A year or so ago some criminals tried to use my credit card at a WalMart in Alabama (although the actual card was sitting in my wallet – they somehow got the number and made a dummy card).  Needless to say, they got caught, but my credit card was cancelled due to the fraudulent activity.  I had to get a new card, etc., which was only minorly a pain in the butt.  However, I had set up my phone insurance to charge this credit card monthly, and forgot to call to give them the new credit card information when it changed.  Long story short, I had no phone insurance.

I think the breaking of my iPhone 4 mere days before the release of the iPhone 5 was the universe screaming “You deserve the iPhone 5!” However, since the universe’s check obviously got lost in the mail, I sought out cheaper alternatives.  This was the best option I could find (click picture for link):

iPhizzle’s new outfit.

The reviews range everywhere from “These are easily the worst screens I’ve seen” and “Worst investment” to “Worked great!  Saved $70 doing it myself” and “Take your time and this product will work beautifully.”  So I assembled my tools, found the You Tube tutorial, and hunkered down.

I am curious how the guitar pick comes into play.

I started working at 6:00 p.m.  First step was removal of the SIM card, which was pretty easy.

SIM card removal.

Then remove the two tiny screws at the bottom of the phone, and remove the back cover (which is also made of glass and miraculously did not shatter).

Back removed.

I am still amazed by how tiny these screws are.  Here is the one taken out of the bottom of the iPhone:

Tiniest Screw!

The video tutorial I used is here:

The process involved a LOT of pausing and rewinding.  TONS of it.  That is really the key: listen and watch, then attempt.  I tried just listening while doing, but since I can’t tell the motherboard from the shield from the cover plate, I needed the visual assistance. Also, the video will tell you to remove certain screws, and then just blow through it.  The video is only 6:43 long, and it took me 5 times that long to actually complete the tasks it covers.

That screw shown above turned out to be one of the largest of all the grains of sand screws I encountered.

Tinier-est Screw!

They are infuriatingly small.  INFURIATING.  The one criticism I read in the comments, and 100% agree with, is that the tiny plastic screwdriver isn’t doing you any favors.  You will see in the video that the instructor has a magnetic tiny screwdriver.  That guy really has it all.  Must be nice.  I finally got a pair of tweezers to handle the screws.  Also, I realized pretty early on that dumping all of the screws into one container was a terrible idea.  They are all different sizes and lengths, and I need to keep them organized.  Therefore, I started the following organizational chart:


And then it was burrito-thirty:


After a ten minute face-stuffing break, I got back to work.  I successfully disassembled my iPhone, and at this point in the game, I started getting nervous:

“No disassemble Stephanie!”

The instructional video ended abruptly, and I had a mini panic attack, thinking I would have to figure out re-assembly on my own!  AHH!!  However, there is a second video in the series about putting it all back together.  And, per usual, this portion was the hardest part.

After much frustration, and redoing several portions of the “build,” I finally had a finished product.  And get this – IT WORKED.  My iPhone works.  That’s right, baby.  My iPhizzle put the FUN back in functional. Number of screws lost?  Only one. Not bad, right?  I would not recommend doing this task over carpet. No way, Jose (Chan?). If there was a competition for catching tiny screws with your thighs, I would at least be competing at the regional semi-finals.  Here are the tools I did NOT use, and still do not know what they are for:

Again, what’s with the guitar pick??

I finished at 8:45.  That is 2 hours and 35 minutes, omitting the burrito-fest.  Not too bad, but a terrible way to end a Monday.  If I had to deal with these miniscule screws all day, I would absolutely lose it.  This article now makes so much sense.

I feel like I was in the trenches with these workers, and fought along side them. “SCREW THESE TINY SCREWS!!” they must’ve chanted in unison.  How do you say that in Chinese?

For love of Apple.

Get a room.