Have you ever wondered if the stuff people post on Pinterest is true? Well I have, and I test them all so that you don’t have to, ’cause ain’t nobody got time for that. Click here to check out all of the pins I haven taken on. You might be surprised by some of the results!
This post is a two for one. You’re welcome.
The two pins I tested were cleaning your glass stovetop with baking soda, and cleaning your old, gross pans or cookie sheets with baking soda and peroxide. As luck would have it, I had a disgusting glass stovetop
AND an old, gross pan circa 1998.
The instructions for the glass cooktop are pretty simple. Soak a cloth (I used a dishtowel) in hot, soapy water.
Sprinkle baking soda on your “problem areas,” which for me, was, well …
Then you wring out your wet rag, place it on top, and let it sit for awhile.
While I waited, I tackled the old pan. I mixed baking soda and peroxide into a paste, and then I started scrubbing. And scrubbing. And scrubbing. It definitely worked, but it required a lot of elbow grease.
You can see the improvement, but no miracles were performed. Plus I’ll tell you a little secret: I didn’t bother to scrub the rest of the pan. I dried it off and put it away just like that.
By now it was time to address the stovetop. Again, this process required a lot of hard scrubbing too. The baking soda worked well to remove the spots that were really baked on, but it also created hundreds of little balls of baking soda that were time consuming to gather up.
It worked to clean the glass, though, and I am now the proud owner of this:
I will say this: I have a product for cleaning the glass stovetop (Cerama Bryte Cooktop Cleaner), and it comes with a little red scrubby thing, and it works equally well. So there’s that.
I wish other people would test out cleaning and home improvement pins … at my house.